Monday, July 9, 2018

Chapter 4: Rising Sun (or Attack of the High School Cafeteria Godzilla)

I was not a popular kid and found myself picked on quite a bit through Middle School and then some more throughout most of High School. Problem was (amongst my own shortcomings), I wasn't one of the pretty boys and I certainly wasn't a jock (seemed the bulk of my school were these types). Also wasn't one of the super smart kids or a band geek or a stoner.

"I... hurt myself today..."
First, the music. A progression from rock/grunge - Aerosmith, Nirvana - to heavier stuff - Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, which led to industrial - KMFDM. The clothes followed and I found myself with the goths (LOL - Crüxshadows and Sisters of Mercy, please). Anyway, there I was, in black, long hair, trench coat, and with my clique, vying for the corner lot of the cafeteria.

Even amongst the goths I was still a bit out. I couldn't draw or play an instrument and still wasn't top of the class in smarts. But, it was the best fit for me. I made some friends and eventually got enough self esteem to allow friendships to cross clique borders. Let me tell you, having a partner on another side, very helpful. Life went on, and years went by. It was almost time to move on from HS inanity and go on to the bad decisions of college life, but first...

My brother, several years younger, had his freshman year of HS during my senior year. So, while I
was past most of the childish stupidity (ha! there was so much more of that to come, but not for this story), he had just entered into the worst of it (or at least had rounded the apex). I'd been picked on quite a bit as a kid, whether it was from not being traditionally attractive or fitting myself into a sub culture not yet propped up by things like Hot Topic, I'd moved on, and now it seemed, it was his turn. He had it a little different than me. He was a band geek and some freshman jock kid was giving him a hard time.

Sure, as an adult looking back you realize that just maybe the better lesson might have been to have him take a stand. Learn some self respect. But, as a kid, why do that when you can hire some ronin to take care of it for you? It seemed the band geeks were going to need a partner because the big kid holding the bass drum wasn't stepping up.

Step in me. I wasn't big. I wasn't strong. Honestly, I was rather underweight and on the shorter side. But I was me - the weird looking, senior, goth kid in a rather snobby school. I was a monster. It only took a few words.

"I want to kick my brother's ass sometimes too, but as his brother, I'm allowed to think that. You're not. So you're going to stop. Now."

And so he did (thank the kami).

Why do combat on your own when you can send the Oni of Hate in to do it for you?

Rising Sun does this in such a fun way. Sure, you can send your goth kids around the map trying to get the best table in the cafeteria (by the windows, please), but when your holding is threatened by the stoners... send in the Kaiju!

This has very quickly become a top 5 game for me. Area control, negotiation, partnerships, betrayal, AND giant monsters. There are just so many moments, even when the tides turn against you, where you just think... damn, that was cool, and this game is awesome.

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