Sunday, January 27, 2019

Birds in the Hand - a Wingspan Review

Carv Halberd - Welcome back boardgame fans, and thank you for tuning into our STILL unnamed show. The arena is abuzz, the crowd cheers the raucous screams of the insane fanatic. Boy do we have a game for you today, folks. With me, as always, is the smashingest ogre you all know and love, Urnal Angr.

Urnal Angr: BOARD GAMES! [sounds of a warhammer smashing a desk]

Carv: And one less place to play them now.

Urnal: Me get excited.

Carv: And rightly so. We have a new one for the crowd today.

Drunken Dwarf: New for you, losers.

[Sounds of a dwarf being forcibly thrown across the arena... via warhammer... to the face]

Carv: I've seen a horse fly. I've seen a dragon fly. I've seen a house fly. But I ain't never seen a dwarf fly.

Urnal: I love Dum...

Carv: (interrupting) Of course you do. Let's get into it, shall we?


Carv: Today's contestant is Wingspan, the newest release from Stonemaier Games.

Urnal: SM makes good games. Me like ALL THE GAMES.

Carv: But the question is, does this continue the trend? Can SM continue to put out exceptional product after exceptional product? Let's take a look.

Urnal: Me make usual first comment about good bits and bobs.

Carv: They certainly are lovely. Production is over-the-top good; what with the cardboard bird feeder / dice tower, little plastic eggs, big chunky dice, player boards that look like field manuals, unique bird art and little bits of information on each card. Everything in this game is well designed and screams of a labor of love.

Urnal: Me favorite is the Dickcissel.

Carv: ...

Urnal: Because it says

Carv: (interrupting) Moving on! Mechanically, this is an engine-building game. Line your birds up to best use their powers to feed other bird powers, to feed other bird powers, for those sweet, sweet victory points.

Urnal: Me like scoring more than you.

Carv: Doesn't everyone? The game is so simple, only giving you 4 actions to choose from each turn, but every decision needs to be thoughtful or you can easily find yourself struggling to get anything going. Do I draw more cards - birds in the hand, and whatnot - or do I get some more eggs, which will chain my grassland birds, which will get me more food, which I can use to get more birds? It's a clever little game with a lower barrier to entry, but still thinky.

Urnal: Urnal smashes barriers.

Carv: Yes, you've made that clear.

Urnal: With your face.

[Sounds of a chair scooting away. Of an ogre laughing.]

Carv: There are many ways to score points too... birds, eggs, flock sizes, cached food, end-game bonuses, end-round bonuses. For a simple game, it definitely has some meat to it.

Urnal: Like a steak?

Carv: Like a fine hangar steak, medium well, glazed with maple syrup.

Urnal: Me want to play now.

Carv: And lucky for you there's an automa! Yes, another design by Automa Factory. This solo mode is super simple and really does well to simulate play with another player. Sure they don't do the same things as a normal player, but it works. My one solo outing had me win on Normal mode by 2 points. A close game. Play against my demoness friend ended with her win by 1 point in a similar point range. The automa works. Or I stink.

Urnal: Like poop.

Carv: Thanks, buddy. What do you think about this one?

Urnal: Me like simple engine-building with good bits and bobs. Chunky dice good for fat ogre hands. Eggs not tasty.

Carv: They're... plastic.

Urnal: That make sense. Me like this game despite non-tasty eggs.

Carv: Me too. Does this get the prized, yet-to-be-named station award for funness?


Monday, January 21, 2019

2018 Board Game Highlights - Ranking 10 - 1

Carv Halberd: Here it is, demons and demagogues, the moment I've all been waiting for; the top ten

Urnal Angr: BOARD GAMES!!!!

Carv: Thank you, Urnal. So glad to have you back in this epic finale. What a game it's been folks. We've had some highs, and some lows.

Urnal: Like when Urnal pop puny bone head off.

Carv: That certainly was a low, Urnal.

Urnal: Maybe for you. (laugh)

Carv: It looks like we're ready to jump right into the game with #10, Ex Libris.

Urnal: Books?! Big exciting finale, and you begin us with books?!

Carv: There certainly are books on the cards, my friend, but this game is so much more. It's worker placement and tableau building and so many little mini games in the worker locations. It really is a neat little game. And I must admit, I even play this one a bit solo, just for some relaxing library organizing fun.

Urnal: (sigh) FINE. Me give it try. So long as me have way to spite you.

Carv: Like any good worker placement, there's always a teeeeeeeny bit of "take that" in there. So, perhaps that works for you?

Urnal: Me said me try already! Move on or me smash you and change mind.

Carv: Looks like we're jumping over to #9, Champions of Midgard.

Urnal: Urnal's friends no do so good in this game.

Carv: No?

Urnal: Urnal smash silly trolls and draugr with massive dice pool.

Carv: Ah yes, another worker placement, but this time with dice combat! That may be a no go for some folks as it does add quite a bit of randomness to the game, but at the core, you're evaluating risks and mitigating it as best you can. Sometimes it works out. Sometimes it doesn't.

Urnal: Much like life.

Carv: That was deep, Urnal.

[Sounds of a bony leg being ripped out]

Urnal: Here demadoggy! Fetch!

Carv: Reputation, right.

Urnal: Bony man learning. Urnal like this game even more with expansions. When die die in glorious battle, use them for even more battles.

Carv: Yes, the Valhalla expansion certainly makes this game something else altogether by adding in a separate set collection element, or maybe it's resource management. Whatever. But your warriors have a purpose after death.

Urnal: Sweet, sweet victory points. Much like life.

Carv: ... #8 Shakespeare.

Urnal: Great. Big finale has books and human who writes books.

Carv: Plays. He wrote plays. And poetry.

Urnal: Bony man saying words, but Urnal not understand.

Carv: Regardless. This is a game of set collection, tableau building, and action point allotment, and likely the first real surprise (though there may be one or two more ahead) on our list here.

Urnal: Theme and entry barrier make game a hard sell sometimes.

Carv: Right. Without the right group, the explanation on this one can be brutal. To the point where I've started playing a turn or two and then resetting with a fresh game so everyone understands.

Urnal: Urnal still not understand.

Carv: And I'm going to make it worse, because the game really feels complete when you add in the Backstage expansion. A few extra cards that give the action points you didn't bid something to do. That'd make more sense if I'd explained the game, but just know the expansion is just a small deck of cards and I prefer to never play without it now.

Urnal: Me like dressing the actors in costumes. Make Lady MacBeth pretty.

Carv: Let's just... move on to #7. Spirit Island.

Urnal: Catan fights back.

Carv: I've heard that said before. Probably one of those other reviewers who put themselves on camera. Like we don't see enough humans every day.

Urnal: But that clever for game of destroying puny human settlers.

Carv: Yes, this is a game that has a complicated Pandemic-like feel of containing the spreading disease, wherein the disease is humanity.

Urnal: RIGHT ON!

Carv: It's a brain burner of a game that has expansions, and different modes of play, and is solo-able, so boy is this a good one folks.

Urnal: Me kinda surprised this not closer to #1.

Carv: Not for us to say, but I see what you mean. Definitely interested to see if this rises for next year.

Urnal: Me break some top 6 legs to make happen.

Carv: I... uhhhh. Ok. #6. Asgard.

Urnal: Me help the dark gods. Win many battles.

Carv: Yes, this game looks so complicated, but at its core is not. Worker placement in two phases. Placement. And removal, which is when you take the action. While you may want to get to a place first to ensure your use of it, you also need to account for when you want to remove your worker. And when you want to use your resources, because this game is not friendly with resources. The bank runs out, you take it from the other players.


Carv: That kind of thinking will only get you so far in this one. You favor the gods and back them in Ragnarök.

Urnal: Me also like how pretty this one is.

Carv: Yes, fantastic art. Clever worker placement twists. Combat. This is a fun game that deserves higher praise.

Urnal: It battles the rest of the way through. Urnal feels home.

Carv: Mostly right you are. We are hitting the top 5. And first up is nothing to be surprised about. At #5 we have Scythe.

Urnal: Game not new anymore. Not sure me have anything to add. But it so good.

Carv: Right? And to one up on that, we don't even own the expansions yet. With the praise being heaped upon Rise of Fenris, this game may hit one of the top spots of the list for years to come.

Urnal: You really gon' describe gameplay? Like humans reading this don't know by now?

Carv: It's funny you assume anyone is reading this. I think the author just likes to play around and make lists.

Urnal: Everyone loves lists.

Carv: That they do. This is resource collection, combat... so many mechanics, really. You may earn things on other players' turns, keeping you engaged. There are expansions, larger boards, and talk about a modular board set being created. This game just will. not. die.

Urnal: Me just looked at #4. Carv right. Not all fighting.

Carv: Did you just... admit to being wrong?

Urnal: Don't get used to it. #4 Dinosaur Island.

Carv: Yes, not much fighting being done here. But this game does have some things you love. Dice drafting. Very limited resources for collection.

Urnal: Dinosaurs eating stupid humans.

Carv: Yes, and that. This is a fantastic Jur

Urnal: Dino amusement park movie franchise... the game.

Carv: Thanks. Wouldn't want our non-readers to get us in trouble for using IP we didn't pay for.

Urnal: Carv not being very excited. Top 3 coming. Me help.

[Sounds of a giant gate being lifted in the arena below. A human screams in horror as a zombie T-rex chases him around... and devours it]

Carv: (sniffle) Thanks, buddy. I needed that.

Carv: Top 3, people and snake-people and whatever you are. Here are our favorite


Carv: At # 3, we have worker placement, backstabbing, loot snatching, and war doggery. Dogs of War.

Urnal: Urnal laugh how first comment always about over produced game.

Carv: Just like our first comment is now. Thanks for that. Sure, tokens would work just as well as the plastic busts used for your mercenary leaders, but who doesn't love some chunky plastic.

Urnal: Great hats.

Carv: Yes, but components aside, we got this one on the cheap when CMON was practically giving them away. And I just want to play it all the time. I want more! Get me more cards! More factions! Expand this thing!

Urnal: Even without, me always want to get this one out. Try different faction to see how to play different. And different players be different too. Me keep promises just enough to break one and win game.

Carv: That certainly may be a trend for our top 3 here. But what sets Dogs of War apart from other like games is more than production, but just the interesting combination of worker placement and area control, where the area control is essentially a game of tug of war. In real time you move the favor of battle with each placement. You wheel and deal and try to cull favor to your side, only to play a power that changes EVERYTHING.


Carv: So good.

Carv: Area control take two, at #2, Tammany Hall.

Urnal: Mmmmm. Me like slandering opponents. Steal their spots.

Carv: Yes, gerrymandering, the area control game. You are trying to win elections with bribery and sneaky tactics. Sure, I'll help this nice German family find a home, just you remember me come election time.

Urnal: Me think bony man having affair with his secretary.

Carv: I... moving on. This is a game that needs a group with thick skin, and a group willing to trash talk and backstab and make shaky alliances. It can be brutal. To that extent, the box says 3 - 5. This is  5 player game. At 3, it's just a little weak. Even with the reduced board space to begin, it just doesn't have the same feel.

Urnal: This game perfect for not overly complicated mean area control game.

Carv: Almost. Almost as good as our #1.


Carv: Oh, this game, Urnal. Area control, a million minis, monsters, alliances with literally a betrayal mechanic in the game. Even losing this game, there are just so many moments of... OH MY DARK LORD. DID HE JUST DO THAT?

Urnal: People complain about missing kickstarter. Urnal no have KS version. Retail version still wonderful game. Urnal makes you seppuku he has so much power.

Carv: Right? I don't miss the extra minis at all. With changing up the cards that can be purchased each game, the factions in use, the expansion factions, the gods coming down and joining the battle expansion, the extra monster expansion, the blind bidding for battle actions that is just this wonderful mind game between the participants of the battle. This game. It's just...

Urnal: Bony man crying?

Carv: It's just so beautiful.

[Sounds of a bony nose being blown on a loin cloth]

[Sounds of a bony body being shoved across the room. A chair smashing down on it. Bones breaking]

Urnal: You no touch Urnal again.

Carv: You... got... it.

[Sounds of a bony head being placed on the table]

Carv: That'll do it, folks. Our top 50. What a ride. Hopefully you've enjoyed the game. Now get out there and play more


Thursday, January 17, 2019

2018 Board Game Highlights - Ranking 20 - 11

Carv Halberd: Things are starting to heat up ghouls n goblins.

Urnal Angr: Carv dating himself.

Carv: That I am. I'm so lonely.

Urnal: That not... Me start and change subject. #20, Century: Spice Road.

Carv: Thanks, buddy. Spice Road. Man, am I bad at this game.

Urnal: Me don't mind that. (chuckle)

Carv: This is very similar to Splendor, as you collect resources and use those resources to get more resources and use those resources to get cards and use those cards for points.

Urnal: Me make engine like no tomorrow.

Carv: Sure, you can be anachronistic, no problem. But I say something...

Urnal: Get over it. Century good game. Play fast. Usually result in more plays.

Carv: Next up, #19, Downforce.

Carv: Since release, this is constantly on my most played list. I have never brought this to the table and only played one game.

Urnal: Me laugh when little gremlin beats you.

Carv: Some of my favorite times are playing with that little girl. She loves this game. And the game comes with a simplified ruleset to play with the young ones.

Urnal: She still win. You bad racer.

Carv: And yet I don't mind. I just enjoy the game. Two new maps recently released as well. These add some new power cards in, which adds some changes. The tracks have some minor differences that change up the race a bit.

Urnal: Me always have fun with this game. We play now!

Carv: Unfortunately, we need to move on, my friend. Perhaps later. #18, Mechs vs Minions.

Urnal: Urnal not so sure about this one.

Carv: Really? That's surprising.

Urnal: Me bet first thing Carv says is how nice production quality is.

Carv: That... would have been a point.

Urnal: Production is fantastic. Very nice bits and bobs.

Carv: And...

Urnal: And, Urnal beat scenarios. Doesn't feel need to go back.

Carv: But it was great fun going through the campaign.

Urnal: Sure was. Me favorite part is stomping stupid minions.

Carv: Bringing it back out again with new gaming groups is fun. Sure, you won't be surprised, but each level is a puzzle in a sense. And with some randomness involved via the die and card draw, you won't have the same game twice.

Urnal: It still fun, just, Urnal maybe put it lower.

Carv: Well, perhaps you will agree more with #17, Alien Frontiers.


Carv: Right, something fun about dice placement. Sure, it's random, but there are some powers to mitigate bad rolls. And the take-that exists, but is not overwhelming.

Urnal: Give Urnal your resources!

Carv: Then beyond the dice placement, you have area control. I think we can both agree that area control might be our favorite gameplay.

Urnal: You not give me your resources. [sounds of a club smashing a lamp] Next me smash you.

Carv: We're not even playing...

Urnal: Wallet will do.

Carv: (sigh)

Urnal: Carv not have much in his wallet.

Carv: Maybe if some oaf would stop going through it. Anyway. This is a fun race to the planet with a fun combination of mechanics.

Urnal: Me think #16 going to cause a stir.

Carv: Right? This is a great dungeon crawler. Possibly the best we've played. But the BGG community has this WAAAAAAAY up top. At #1. But for us, #16, Gloomhaven.

[Sounds of a million voices crying out in terror, and suddenly silenced]

Urnal: (chuckle) Look, hate mail already come in.

Carv: Carv, you suck. Your list sucks. But not as much as your mom. ... That's wonderful.

Urnal: (laugh)

Carv: Can we keep to the games, please?

Urnal: Do another one!

Carv: [sounds of an envelope being opened] This one is to you. Urnal, You're nothing but a... I can't read this. Let's just say it ends with your needing a visit to a proctologist.

Urnal: Me go smash now.

[Sounds of an ogre storming out]

Carv: Signed, Your pal, Carv. (laugh). Gloomhaven is a legacy style dungeon crawl that has character building via a deck of cards. Each piece of the campaign is like a little puzzle. Sure, you'll never really get a real tabletop RPG feel from a board game without the RP part, but this is as close as anyone has gotten. It's a really fun game, but I do think hype is maybe bolstering it a little bit on the boards.

[Sounds of an ogre breaking door down]

Urnal: What me miss?

Carv: Oh, just a few more letters involving what you can do with your miniature friendship pony collection. Hint, it involves your butt.

Urnal: You joking?

Carv: Yes, it wasn't your butt. Can we move on?

Urnal: #15, Great Western Trail. Me like cows.

Carv: I'm going to be fair on this one, Urnal.

Urnal: Go on.

Carv: This is more a feeling than actual remembrance. It has been quite some time since we've played this one and while I remember feeling the rules were quite a bit wonky at first, I do remember enjoying trying to figure out the best moves, the best places to put down some buildings, cows to get, people to hire.

Urnal: Sound like you remember.

Carv: It's all kinda cloudy, and certainly needs to come out again. But, we don't own it.

Urnal: Me make goblin friend bring out again.

Carv: Maybe you convince him to add the new expansion first.

Urnal: Me get on that.


Carv: Had to answer the door, and it seems our copy of Wingspan has just arrived. Folks can assume a review will be posted soon. Our first review real review in this format, perhaps.

Urnal: Me like birds as much as cows.

Carv: Moving on to #14, Bohnanza.

Urnal: Me like beans even more!

Carv: This game is amongst the oldest of the games on our list, which I know we've said already, but I don't even remember which game that was for. And we still haven't been written a fact checker, so... moving on.

Urnal: This game so simple, yet so fun. And since you need help others to help self, it always sorta close at the end.

Carv: Right? It's almost always within a few coins. My one caveat to this game is player count. 3 players, good. 4 players, great. 5 players... maybe a little long. 6 or 7... I would just nope right out of that. Maybe if someone put up a timer for the trading, but boy can that many players drag out a small box game far beyond its welcome.

Urnal: Me think maybe box size also play into positioning. It #14, but could definitely be top 10.

Carv: We tried to remove the bias, but it's hard to compare a small card game with the big boys. But hey, we've got this above Gloomhaven and Great Western Trail. It's just that good and probably hurt on the overall BGG rankings due to its size and age.

Carv: To #13, Ulm.

Urnal: This one not get as much love as it deserves.

Carv: The nifty resource gathering mechanic alone is worth giving the game a try. You slide a new resource into a 3x3 grid, knocking one out, and take the remaining resources. But your opponents might control a row / column by grabbing buildings, so do you really need those resources enough to help them? Some good decisions to be made here.

Urnal: Me really don't have a ton to add here. Me just like this one and it not come out enough.

Carv: Shall we just move on then? Let's. #12, Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island.

Urnal: This interesting situation too. Like MvM, earlier.

Carv: Oh?

Urnal: Me don't own this, so the plays done, me like a lot. Wonder if it will suffer from the "do we really want to replay this?" syndrome.

Carv: Hard to say now, my friend. We're so early on, but it's obvious the design here of exploration, risk / reward analysis, makes for an interesting game. And we have many more little puzzles to solve before we get there. It will definitely be interesting to see where this lands on next year's re-ranking.

Carv: Finishing out the penultimate period with #11, Clank!: A Deck-Building Game.

Urnal: Carv make lots of CLANK! Me like when dragon eats you.

Carv: This takes the basic deck building concept, and adds a little race to gather some artifacts to the mix. It's a much needed change to the formula, and is light enough to start earlier in the gaming hobby. And expansions, agogo. Which do you like the best?

Urnal: Me still like base game. Easiest to set up and play, but underwater one good too.

Carv: We do have the pyramid to play still, and I'm looking forward to seeing how the fate die and mummy changes this up a bit. But overall, this game comes out quite often in our group, usually between heavier games.

Urnal: Me want to finish list so me can punch some cardboard from Wingspan.

Carv: I'm already there, ya big beautiful brute. One period to go. Top 10, coming soon. Stay tuned, and play more


Monday, January 14, 2019

2018 Board Game Highlights - Ranking 30 - 21

Carv Halberd: And we're back for the third period spirits of all kinds.

Urnal Angr: Me like Myk's Hard Lemon-grog.

Carv: A favorite of everyone here at this station yet to be named. Maybe the writer should get on that.

Urnal: Me no tease writer anymore. Last time was a big ow.

Carv: (chuckle) Yes, it was certainly the highlight of my day. Moving on! We pick up our ranking with #30, Mystic Vale.

Urnal: Ugh, more hippy-dippy bull

Carv: (interrupting) This is a deck-building game of sorts. What does the box call it, deck construction? Deck creation? I don't have it in front of me.

Urnal: We do it live!

Carv: Card crafting! That's it. A nice twist on deck-building where the amount of cards you have all game remains constant, but you are continually upgrading the card by sleeving new powers into your existing hand.

Urnal: Urnal likes sleeving. It zen.

Carv: This is a side of you we haven't seen before, Urnal. That's deep.

[Sounds of a bony hand being smashed to dust]

Urnal: Reputation and all.

Carv: The press your luck aspect of this game may turn some people off, but it's a nice change from the usual draw 5, buy new cards, discard, draw 5, buy new cards, discard, draw 5

[Sounds of a punch to a bony face]

Carv: Thanks, buddy. Got stuck in a little loop there.

Urnal: Any time. Me mean it. [Knuckles cracking] Any. Time.

Carv: #29, Tokaido. A peaceful journey crossing the "East Sea Road" of Japan.

Urnal: Me not sure you play same game. I steal your spot.

Carv: Yes, this is a mean, peaceful trek.

Urnal: Mean is my favorite.

Carv: We are certainly all aware of that. This is a lightweight intro to hobby board gaming kinda game, which frankly, at this point sees more play on the app than the actual board. But still, can't deny it is a fun game when it is broken out.


Carv: (sigh). Moving on to #28, Viticulture.

Urnal: This one not me favorite.

Carv: Oddly, I agree, Urnal. The writer here has a real love for worker placement though, so I'm not surprised to see this on the list. Certainly the Essential Edition fixes some of the... problems with the base game. As far as worker placement goes, this is definitely a good game, and #28 feels

[Sounds of a safe teetering on a ledge 50 ft above our cast]

Carv: ...just right for our overseer. A wonderful selection.

Urnal: This just worker placement. Maybe reskin to make grog. Then drink when make.

Carv: I think you're onto something. Viticulture: A Drinking Game. Someone get on that home-brew.

Urnal: Me just move to #27, Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar.

Carv: Alas, worker placement to worker placement.

Urnal: Me like this one more. Gears are fun gimmick. Game worker placement and worker removal.

Carv: You are absolutely correct. I would also agree this is a nice twist on the genre. And who doesn't love Crystal Skulls?

Urnal: Ind

Carv: (interrupting) Let's not go there. This is worth the play through just to play with the board a bit.

Carv: Continuing on to #26, Dice Forge.


Carv: You are just not feeling the list today, are you?

Urnal: Game is fun. Players always doing stuff, even not on turn. But me have big hands and dice faces are so small.

Carv: Understood, my gentle giant. The only dice crafting game on our list, this was definitely a good amount of fun for the first few play-throughs.

Urnal: Only first few?

Carv: It got a little repetitive, but an expansion is incoming in 2019, and I couldn't be more pleased. This game was begging for just a tiny bit more depth.

Urnal: Me still think fun at base game for when brain is burnt out on heavy stuff. Good... filler not right word... Carv?

Carv: You stumped me, friend. Perhaps we call this a casual game, a la Tokaido.

Urnal: Makes sense. It fun game even without expansion if not played it.

Carv: #25, I'm afraid you will also have some slight aversion to with your meaty hands. A little dexterity game called Tokyo Highway.

Urnal: Dexterity games are poop.

Carv: Urnal! Don't be so harsh. Sometimes you need a break from the usual. And as far as dexterity games go, Tokyo Highway is tops, and now has a 4 player version out for massive highway building

Urnal: Easy for you to say with little puny bone fingers.

Carv: The game does come with tweezers to help.

Urnal: Oh, let me replace little tiny car with little tiny tweezer. That help. Me say game is fun, but ends in one of two ways. Actual end how supposed too... or Urnal accidentally knock over large amount of highway and we say f

Carv: (nervous laugh) Yes, that can certainly happen where the winner comes from the loser conceding the match instead of figuring out how to rebuild. But when the game goes well, you can end with a rather fun bit of table presence. Play this in public and you will have eyes on your game.

Urnal: Urnal used to eyes on him (flex).

Carv: Of course you are. #24, Survive: Escape from Atlantis.

Urnal: Now you talking.

Carv: Yes, this is right up your alley. As mean as it gets, as you have the sea monster devour your opponents' meeples. But as mean as this game can be, it is not complicated.

Urnal: Which why Urnal likes it so much. Easy mean is the best mean.

Carv: This game is likely the oldest game on the list (fact checker hasn't been written in yet, so this is a rough guess that is not going to be verified any time soon) and certainly has staying power. It doesn't get taken out as much, but with the gremlins coming into real board gaming age, it is being worked back into rotation.

Urnal: Me laugh when six year old eats your meeple.

Carv: (dejected) so does she.

Carv: I'm not giving this game any more time. #23, Azul.

Urnal: Me like placement of this game.

Carv: An appropriate comment about a game involving placement of tiles, but continue.

Urnal: See many people put this in top games ever. Game is good, but that good? Me don't think so.

Carv: Yes, after playing I was mildly surprised to see it in so many top 10's or 5's. I agree, this is a fun tile placement game, better at full player count in my opinion, but it seemed to tiring faster than most games. The "back" board does offer extra challenge, being more open, but again it's to a certain degree.

Urnal: New Azul out now. More windows like other game.

Carv: I haven't played that just yet, and have to wonder the need for a new game. The appeal to Azul is its approachability and ease of play. Perhaps there is a segment that wants a deeper Azul, but for me, this is a family game or intro game for non-board gamers. You played? You liked this? Allow me to broaden your horizons now with some more depth and mechanics.

Carv: Like what we have here at #22, Concordia.

Urnal: Urnal's brain hurts trying to think of what to even say about this one.

Carv: It's certainly heavier than anything else we discussed so far, yet still, not the heaviest game on our list. So fire that brain up, ya galoof.

Urnal: This one brain burner of grabbing right cards to make synergies with your resources. It take much thought.

Carv: Yes, you certainly don't want to shoot from the hip.

Urnal: What you mean?

Carv: You know? Like, when you just fire a gun really

Urnal: What that?

Carv: This is only loosely a fantasy setting. We're discussing modern board games, so obviously we can use some anachronistic phraseology. C'mon.

Urnal: Fine.

Carv: I recommend this above all others we've discussed so far.

Urnal: That how ranking work. It better than others before it.

Carv: Shut it.

Carv: Last call of the period, #21, The Quest for El Dorado.

Urnal: Deck building race game. Me like.

Carv: Right? This is so simple, yet it's one I just don't tire from. We've probably played through all of the suggested map setups in the book and gone so far as to create the ultimate setup of


Carv: Even that game was fun. Or the one where we intentionally put as much water spots on the board as possible. Or where we combined two games...

Urnal: Maybe that too much.

Carv: Maybe. But this is a deck builder where efficiency becomes king. Grabbing the right cards at the right time and know when to weed them from your deck is key.

Urnal: Me find it funny when everyone rushes ahead and me go slow to create effective deck and then blow by everyone at end.

Carv: That is definitely possible in this game. It plays so quick too. Definitely fits in with Tokaido and Dice Forge into that "casual" category. And generally you can find this pretty cheap, so it's worth the pickup.

Urnal: Me have enough for today. Play more BOARD GAMES!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

2018 Board Game Highlights - Ranking 40 - 31

Urnal Angr: Urnal almost ready for the next period of BOARD GAME rankings, but there something Urnal need to do before he ready.

Carv Halberd: What's that, my friend?

Urnal: Urnal feels stress... bad. He needs to smash something.

Carv: Why not go to...


Carv: Right you are, Urnal. Whenever I'm feeling the need to break something, I head on over to Clucky Freezes'. For only 37 Gold, you can get borrow any sized club and 476 frozen cluck-eggs for smashing.

Urnal: Urnal smashed giant cluck-egg with his own mallet and feels ready for some BOARD GAMES! Thanks, Clucky!

Carv: That's Clucky Freezes' on the Duopig Trail.

Urnal: Mention Urnal's name and get Ogre special - giant club rental, free with frozen dragon cluck-egg purchase.

Carv: And now back to our program. Ranking for 2018 Board Games - #s 40 - 31.

Urnal: Bony man probably likes #40. Many bony people in Dead of Winter.

Carv: It's not just the bony people, my friend, but the survival horror. I love a good survival horror story, and DoW, with a possible traitor, makes for a fun game with some sometimes great storytelling moments with the crossroads cards.

Urnal: Ugh, just get a room with stupid bony people already. Me like smashing them.

Carv: And this is why you're on your 4th copy of the game. Cardboard is not for smashing.

Urnal: Everything is for smashing.

[Sounds of a mallet clapping into a meaty ogre hand]

Carv: ANYWAY. #39. Possibly our only 1 vs many game. Fury of Dracula.

Urnal: Praise Lolth, enough with the bony people. Me like cornering stupid bony man and smashing him with ogre friends.

Carv: Alas, with hidden movement, this is harder than it seems. The game creates some tense cat and mouse moments, but if I had to complain

Urnal: Like anyone could stop you.

Carv: IF I HAD TO COMPLAIN, I might say this one goes on a tad too long. Still. This isn't a game likely to hit the table for weeks in a row, but is always a good time when the occasional mood to play it creeps in.

Urnal: If next game has more bone people, me feed your legs to Urnal's demondog.

Carv: [Sounds of paper shuffling. Mumbling]. Uh. Not anymore. #38 is something totally different. Dice drafting and placement with Sagrada.

Carv: Surely this can't offend you.

Urnal: I like the part where I smash your window.

Carv: That's not... Seriously?!

Urnal: ... What?

Carv: You're just... Nevermind. Moving on. This one can be a bit of a brain burner to some extent, and at times comes down to efficient use of the power cards to manipulate the randomness of dice dependency.

Urnal: I hate dice den... depped... Or me just break it.

Carv: You haven't won this one yet, have you?

Urnal: [Dejected] no. But me like numbers and colors instead of more reading. Good change of pace.

Carv: Moving on to another semi-coop. #37 is Shadows Over Camelot.

Urnal: Me go for Excalibur.

Carv: [Sigh]. So, traitor, this is one you enjoy?

Urnal: Like Dead of Winter, but me like betraying silly knights more than puny post apoc people.

Carv: This one does have that potential hidden traitor mechanic like DoW, and potential overruns, but gameplay is different with gathering poker-like hands of cards to play. It's like a bunch of mini games, which may turn some people off. But overall, it's another good traitor-type game that is more likely to be played once in a while than over and over. But it will not leave the collection.

Carv: But let us quiet things down a little bit now. Sometimes you just need some solo gaming relaxation. We'd said previously, that 2017's most played game was The Game. In 2018, it was solo gaming again that took the Most Played spot, and this one is just a fantastic solo puzzle of a game. At #36, Mr. Cabbagehead's Garden.

Urnal: We talked about this already on this list. Carv want another blue ribbon?

Carv: [Shudder] Only in the game, my friend. I will try again today.

Urnal: You need Urnal to smash pesky neighbors, you just let me know.

Carv: [Sounds of cards shuffling into a desk drawer] Please don't break my game.


Carv: ...

Urnal: Me love kitties.

Carv: So no Kittens in a

Urnal: You finish that thought, me break you.

Carv: Got it. No

Urnal: Me not kidding.

Carv: Cat Lady is a drafting from a grid game where you must collect cats, toys, food, and costumes for your kitties. A tough sell to some groups based on the name and pink box, but people, monsters, ghouls or ghosts, just get over it. This is a fun game. Play it.

Urnal: Urnal a proud Cat Lady.

Carv: I'm with you on this one, friend.

Carv: Speaking of box art that's a turn off. At #34 there is quite a bit of death in the Downfall of Pompeii.

Urnal: Silly man had it coming.

Carv: ...

Urnal: Too soon? It was 79 A.D.

Carv: That's... actually correct, Urnal. Why don't you take this one?

Urnal: Me like this game. Run your peoples away from lava spouts and BURNIFY your opponents. Me favorite part is throwing friends into the volcano.

Carv: Summed up exquisitely. I am rather fond of the plastic volcano on the board that you throw your opponents into as well. A nice touch. There is quite some randomness involved as the lava spreading is based on tile draw from a bag, but this is more of a fun Survive: Escape From Atlantis type game, where the fun is the interaction in destroying your opponent more than the actual gameplay itself.

Carv: Next up, nothing pairs so well with a game of sacrificial burning like a game with some... coffee and cake. #33 is Grand Austria Hotel.

Carv: This is another dice drafting / puzzle type game where you get guests to come to your cafe, feed them, and send them to a room in your hotel.

Urnal: Me like playing with you, but not so much with more. Waiting makes Urnal want to throw things.

Carv: Yes, the turn ordering can be problematic, especially if you have anyone prone to analysis paralysis. Turn order snakes, so - A, B, C, D, D, C, B, A. A has a brutal wait from one turn to the next.

Urnal: Me rather go on date with Medusa. Already feels like turning to stone. May as well be with

Carv: Moving on. I know backstabbing and area control is your forte.

Urnal: You have my attention.

Carv: #32. Tyrants of the Underdark.

Urnal: ...

Carv: Not impressed?

Urnal: It good. It just not...

Carv: I see. This is a deck builder with some area control thrown in.

Urnal: Urnal played twice. Based on cards picked for deck, had one exciting game. One boring game.

Carv: Player count as well. As with any area control game, the more you have, the more tense the control battle. 1 vs 1 just doesn't have the same feel. But I must say, the combination of deck building and area control is fantastic. I just with they would make some more expansions to change things up.

Urnal: If wishes were fishes...

Carv: Speaking of... Let us finish out today's ranking with #31. Sushi Go Party!

Urnal: Better than Cat Lady? Me not so sure.

Carv: This is card drafting in its most basic form, and I might put Cat Lady before Sushi Go!, unless you make it Sushi Go Party!

Urnal: Me like to party. [Sounds of an ogre chugging something frothy]

Carv: The additional cards, the reminder cards, the board, the Party version just adds so much to the base game. It's quick, light, and maybe more of a filler, but definitely one everyone should own.

Urnal: Me go party now. Play more BOOOOARD GAAAAAMES!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

2018 Board Game Highlights - Ranking 50 - 41

Carv Halberd: Watermelon, cantaloupe. Watermelon, cantaloupe.

Urnal Angr: What is bony man doing?

Carv: Well, some coccydynia knocked my head off. Need to make sure all is working well after the reattachment.

Urnal: ...

Carv: ...

Urnal: ...

Carv: What?

Urnal: You said

Carv: [interrupting] And we're back.

Urnal: Looks like everyone is back for a good ranking of BOARD GAMES!

Carv: I believe that they are, Urnal.


Carv: 2018 brought about many new games, and "new to me" games. Though being that this is our very first annual ranking, everything is new!

Urnal: I like lists. Removes silly words.

Carv: So, let us jump right in then. Our favorite games re-ranked for 2018 using the PubMeeple tool. You can find that over here:

Urnal: That lots of weird letters of symbols, Carv.

Carv: Right, let us switch to letters for numbering, shall we?

Urnal: That first thing you said that makes sense!

Carv: (sigh). Here we go. At #50...


Carv: Thank you, Urnal. As I was saying, #50... Deep Sea Adventure.

Carv: A surprise to a top 50, being on the lighter side of things, but we have it on good authority that big box bias was removed as well as possible in creation of this list.

Urnal: Puny box game makes me want to smash your face.

[Sounds of a chair scooting away]

Carv: This game can have that effect on people. A press your luck game where it is easy to wreak havoc upon your opponent by using up the shared air supply. Sure it is dice driven, which may turn off some of your hardcore board gamers.


Carv: (sigh), But this is a filler, and definitely adds some levity to an intense gaming day.

Carv: Moving on to #49... Kingdomino.

Carv: Dominoes have never been more interesting.

Urnal: I like thin crust.

Carv: Not what... Anyway. Another game on the lighter side that uses some drafting mechanisms with making your own domino tableau to score those sweet, sweet victory points.

Urnal: I like scoring more points than puny bone man.

Carv: Don't we all. And this one has an expansion!

Urnal: Age of Giants. Me like. Giants make good ogre friends. Great at breaking puny bone people.

Carv: ... #48 Dead Men Tell No Tales.

Carv: That explosive Pandemic-like feel, but with a pirates on a burning, haunted ship, stealing booty, and running kinda theme. What's not to like?

Urnal: You said booty.

Carv: ...

Urnal: Like a butt.

[Sounds of a mallet being smashed into an ogre head]

Carv: The closest to a kids' game on this list at #47. My Little Scythe.

Carv: I have a feeling we'll be seeing My Little Scythe's big brother further ahead, but back here at #47 we have the younger sibling, Scythe, with a kid-friendly theme and simple rules.

Urnal: Bony man shares his apples with Urnal. Make good friend points.

Carv: Sharing is definitely something that happens here, and it certainly gives this version of Scythe a more kid approachable game. However, it also teaches some basic strategy as with most competitive games, there can only be one winner. Definitely one of the best Family weight games ever.

[Sounds of a pie hitting a bony face]

Urnal: (laughter intensifies)

Carv: ...

Carv: #46 Mission: Red Planet

Carv: Steampunk meets area control with fun little spaceman minis. Definitely on the lighter side of area control.

Urnal: Me prefer smash you in the face area control.

Carv: Oh, don't you fret, you gentle giant, there is definitely some backstabbery and sabotage in this game. Thought you were going to have control of Phobos? Sorry, your rocket full of reinforcements has now exploded and my rocket is being redirected to the moon to give me control.

[Sounds of a bony arm being ripped out and used to smack a bony face]

Urnal: Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself.

Carv: And you wonder why no one wants to play with you.

Urnal: That hurts.

Carv: One of the newest games making the top 50 at #45 Monster Crunch! The Breakfast Battle Game

Urnal: Me play house rules.

Carv: ...

Urnal: Loser eats his bowl of cereal.

Carv: ...

Urnal: ...

Carv: Anyway. Another family weight game that plays as a basic basic ladder game, but with some good old nostalgia slapping you in the face.

Urnal: Urnal SMASH nostalgia if it tries.

Carv: This is a good beginner or ender of game night. Something to ease it in or out.

Urnal: (chuckle)

Carv: ... God, I hate you.

Carv: #44 Castle Panic.

Urnal: This no fun. Ogres beaten too easy by puny man men hiding behind walls.

Carv: For once I agree. This game is a bit on the easy side once you get the hang of it, but with the addition of the Wizard's Tower expansion, your... ogre friends... get some powerful reinforcements making this a bit more of a challenge. Also works well as an entry point into hobby board gaming, and for playing with kids.


Carv: Nothing?

Urnal: Me still mad about all the dead ogres. Urnal moves on to actual pandemic game, not like silly pirate booty (chuckle) game before. #43 Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu.

Carv: A fun twist on the Pandemic formula, adding in the great old ones, shoggoths, and cultists. But this is pretty similar to the usual Pandemic feel.

Urnal: Still need to play more Pandemics before picking best. Puny man thinks silly things like work and family more important than more BOARD GAMES! Hasn't played Iberia, the flood one, the new one. Many Pandemics, but for now me let this stand.

Carv: From the darkness to the light. #42 Photosynthesis.

Urnal: Maybe light for Urnal. Bony man trees going to get nothing but my shade.

Carv: An abstract game of growing trees. Some neat mechanics with the rotating sun, and some advanced rules to make game play more challenging as you get better.

Urnal: Urnal likes board presence of many trees. Gets me attention.

Carv: The most angry cooperative game, with the most...


Carv: I agree, the most boring of names, at #41, The Game.

Carv: While there was no official ranking created for us to discuss from last year, I hear this was our writer's most played game of 2017. Largely in part due to its solo play capabilities.

Urnal: (laughs)

Carv: Careful who you offend, Urnal. He is the writer.

Urnal: He puny human. Me not scared.

[Sound of a large safe falling from 50 ft above and crushing an ogre]

Urnal: (mumbled) Ow.

Carv: This is a fun co-op that has led to many inside jokes for the gaming group. Like that time the Jessup said he understood the rules explanation, and proceeded to play his entire hand on his first turn, with a "BAM! I thought you said this was hard."

Urnal: Silly orc.

Carv: Definitely recommend this one as a filler.

Carv: That will be the end of the first period, folks. We'll be back after a short intermission with games 40 - 31. Until then, play more


Note: All images are official images from either the company site or a sales site. Next year I will use my own.