Monday, January 21, 2019

2018 Board Game Highlights - Ranking 10 - 1

Carv Halberd: Here it is, demons and demagogues, the moment I've all been waiting for; the top ten

Urnal Angr: BOARD GAMES!!!!

Carv: Thank you, Urnal. So glad to have you back in this epic finale. What a game it's been folks. We've had some highs, and some lows.

Urnal: Like when Urnal pop puny bone head off.

Carv: That certainly was a low, Urnal.

Urnal: Maybe for you. (laugh)

Carv: It looks like we're ready to jump right into the game with #10, Ex Libris.

Urnal: Books?! Big exciting finale, and you begin us with books?!

Carv: There certainly are books on the cards, my friend, but this game is so much more. It's worker placement and tableau building and so many little mini games in the worker locations. It really is a neat little game. And I must admit, I even play this one a bit solo, just for some relaxing library organizing fun.

Urnal: (sigh) FINE. Me give it try. So long as me have way to spite you.

Carv: Like any good worker placement, there's always a teeeeeeeny bit of "take that" in there. So, perhaps that works for you?

Urnal: Me said me try already! Move on or me smash you and change mind.

Carv: Looks like we're jumping over to #9, Champions of Midgard.

Urnal: Urnal's friends no do so good in this game.

Carv: No?

Urnal: Urnal smash silly trolls and draugr with massive dice pool.

Carv: Ah yes, another worker placement, but this time with dice combat! That may be a no go for some folks as it does add quite a bit of randomness to the game, but at the core, you're evaluating risks and mitigating it as best you can. Sometimes it works out. Sometimes it doesn't.

Urnal: Much like life.

Carv: That was deep, Urnal.

[Sounds of a bony leg being ripped out]

Urnal: Here demadoggy! Fetch!

Carv: Reputation, right.

Urnal: Bony man learning. Urnal like this game even more with expansions. When die die in glorious battle, use them for even more battles.

Carv: Yes, the Valhalla expansion certainly makes this game something else altogether by adding in a separate set collection element, or maybe it's resource management. Whatever. But your warriors have a purpose after death.

Urnal: Sweet, sweet victory points. Much like life.

Carv: ... #8 Shakespeare.

Urnal: Great. Big finale has books and human who writes books.

Carv: Plays. He wrote plays. And poetry.

Urnal: Bony man saying words, but Urnal not understand.

Carv: Regardless. This is a game of set collection, tableau building, and action point allotment, and likely the first real surprise (though there may be one or two more ahead) on our list here.

Urnal: Theme and entry barrier make game a hard sell sometimes.

Carv: Right. Without the right group, the explanation on this one can be brutal. To the point where I've started playing a turn or two and then resetting with a fresh game so everyone understands.

Urnal: Urnal still not understand.

Carv: And I'm going to make it worse, because the game really feels complete when you add in the Backstage expansion. A few extra cards that give the action points you didn't bid something to do. That'd make more sense if I'd explained the game, but just know the expansion is just a small deck of cards and I prefer to never play without it now.

Urnal: Me like dressing the actors in costumes. Make Lady MacBeth pretty.

Carv: Let's just... move on to #7. Spirit Island.

Urnal: Catan fights back.

Carv: I've heard that said before. Probably one of those other reviewers who put themselves on camera. Like we don't see enough humans every day.

Urnal: But that clever for game of destroying puny human settlers.

Carv: Yes, this is a game that has a complicated Pandemic-like feel of containing the spreading disease, wherein the disease is humanity.

Urnal: RIGHT ON!

Carv: It's a brain burner of a game that has expansions, and different modes of play, and is solo-able, so boy is this a good one folks.

Urnal: Me kinda surprised this not closer to #1.

Carv: Not for us to say, but I see what you mean. Definitely interested to see if this rises for next year.

Urnal: Me break some top 6 legs to make happen.

Carv: I... uhhhh. Ok. #6. Asgard.

Urnal: Me help the dark gods. Win many battles.

Carv: Yes, this game looks so complicated, but at its core is not. Worker placement in two phases. Placement. And removal, which is when you take the action. While you may want to get to a place first to ensure your use of it, you also need to account for when you want to remove your worker. And when you want to use your resources, because this game is not friendly with resources. The bank runs out, you take it from the other players.


Carv: That kind of thinking will only get you so far in this one. You favor the gods and back them in Ragnarök.

Urnal: Me also like how pretty this one is.

Carv: Yes, fantastic art. Clever worker placement twists. Combat. This is a fun game that deserves higher praise.

Urnal: It battles the rest of the way through. Urnal feels home.

Carv: Mostly right you are. We are hitting the top 5. And first up is nothing to be surprised about. At #5 we have Scythe.

Urnal: Game not new anymore. Not sure me have anything to add. But it so good.

Carv: Right? And to one up on that, we don't even own the expansions yet. With the praise being heaped upon Rise of Fenris, this game may hit one of the top spots of the list for years to come.

Urnal: You really gon' describe gameplay? Like humans reading this don't know by now?

Carv: It's funny you assume anyone is reading this. I think the author just likes to play around and make lists.

Urnal: Everyone loves lists.

Carv: That they do. This is resource collection, combat... so many mechanics, really. You may earn things on other players' turns, keeping you engaged. There are expansions, larger boards, and talk about a modular board set being created. This game just will. not. die.

Urnal: Me just looked at #4. Carv right. Not all fighting.

Carv: Did you just... admit to being wrong?

Urnal: Don't get used to it. #4 Dinosaur Island.

Carv: Yes, not much fighting being done here. But this game does have some things you love. Dice drafting. Very limited resources for collection.

Urnal: Dinosaurs eating stupid humans.

Carv: Yes, and that. This is a fantastic Jur

Urnal: Dino amusement park movie franchise... the game.

Carv: Thanks. Wouldn't want our non-readers to get us in trouble for using IP we didn't pay for.

Urnal: Carv not being very excited. Top 3 coming. Me help.

[Sounds of a giant gate being lifted in the arena below. A human screams in horror as a zombie T-rex chases him around... and devours it]

Carv: (sniffle) Thanks, buddy. I needed that.

Carv: Top 3, people and snake-people and whatever you are. Here are our favorite


Carv: At # 3, we have worker placement, backstabbing, loot snatching, and war doggery. Dogs of War.

Urnal: Urnal laugh how first comment always about over produced game.

Carv: Just like our first comment is now. Thanks for that. Sure, tokens would work just as well as the plastic busts used for your mercenary leaders, but who doesn't love some chunky plastic.

Urnal: Great hats.

Carv: Yes, but components aside, we got this one on the cheap when CMON was practically giving them away. And I just want to play it all the time. I want more! Get me more cards! More factions! Expand this thing!

Urnal: Even without, me always want to get this one out. Try different faction to see how to play different. And different players be different too. Me keep promises just enough to break one and win game.

Carv: That certainly may be a trend for our top 3 here. But what sets Dogs of War apart from other like games is more than production, but just the interesting combination of worker placement and area control, where the area control is essentially a game of tug of war. In real time you move the favor of battle with each placement. You wheel and deal and try to cull favor to your side, only to play a power that changes EVERYTHING.


Carv: So good.

Carv: Area control take two, at #2, Tammany Hall.

Urnal: Mmmmm. Me like slandering opponents. Steal their spots.

Carv: Yes, gerrymandering, the area control game. You are trying to win elections with bribery and sneaky tactics. Sure, I'll help this nice German family find a home, just you remember me come election time.

Urnal: Me think bony man having affair with his secretary.

Carv: I... moving on. This is a game that needs a group with thick skin, and a group willing to trash talk and backstab and make shaky alliances. It can be brutal. To that extent, the box says 3 - 5. This is  5 player game. At 3, it's just a little weak. Even with the reduced board space to begin, it just doesn't have the same feel.

Urnal: This game perfect for not overly complicated mean area control game.

Carv: Almost. Almost as good as our #1.


Carv: Oh, this game, Urnal. Area control, a million minis, monsters, alliances with literally a betrayal mechanic in the game. Even losing this game, there are just so many moments of... OH MY DARK LORD. DID HE JUST DO THAT?

Urnal: People complain about missing kickstarter. Urnal no have KS version. Retail version still wonderful game. Urnal makes you seppuku he has so much power.

Carv: Right? I don't miss the extra minis at all. With changing up the cards that can be purchased each game, the factions in use, the expansion factions, the gods coming down and joining the battle expansion, the extra monster expansion, the blind bidding for battle actions that is just this wonderful mind game between the participants of the battle. This game. It's just...

Urnal: Bony man crying?

Carv: It's just so beautiful.

[Sounds of a bony nose being blown on a loin cloth]

[Sounds of a bony body being shoved across the room. A chair smashing down on it. Bones breaking]

Urnal: You no touch Urnal again.

Carv: You... got... it.

[Sounds of a bony head being placed on the table]

Carv: That'll do it, folks. Our top 50. What a ride. Hopefully you've enjoyed the game. Now get out there and play more


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