Monday, February 4, 2019

QB Sneak - An Insider Review

Carv Halberd: Another weekend comes to an end and with it the first month of the new year, Urnal. I must admit, I am a bit disappointed.

Urnal Angr: Urnal understands that. Puny human sportsball game take away Urnal's BOARDGAME time. Urnal wants to smash stupid grin off Bomb Shady.

Carv: I think most of the Foozball-watching world might agree with you, friend.

Urnal: As they should.

Carv: With our limited game time, we did manage to get one game to the table this weekend. And it's one we've held in our collection for quite some time, but just never managed to get out.

Urnal: Party games tough. Urnal not party person. Prefer smaller group so he can smash them if Urnal loses game.

Carv: Playing solo a lot lately then?

Urnal: Careful Urnal not smash you, bone boy.

Carv: So, to the table for the first time is Insider.

Urnal: Box is so puny.

Carv: Right? Look at this game next to a reference coffee.

Urnal: Coffee is life. Next to BOARDGAMES!

Carv: Amen, brother. Oink Games has a bit of a niche going, making very small box games, but I must admit, I've enjoyed every one I've played. After Deep Sea Adventure, I knew I was going to collect them all. And Insider is another prime example of big fun in a tiny package.

Urnal: [Laugh] Tiny package. Is social deduction game hidden behind 20 questions. Even the gremlins could get behind that. And they not all there like us big folk.

Carv: Yes, you're certainly... all there... as you say. But the premise here is simple game fans. One person is the Master, who knows the secret word. Everyone else is asking yes/no questions trying to figure it out before the timer (approx 5 mins) is up.

Urnal: Trick being one sneaky person also knows word and is trying to lead others to figure it out without being caught as person who knows word. Is QB sneak, but no knowing whose face to smash.

Carv: ... There's a little flow chart in the short rulebook on what happens when a word is figured out, but in the end, everyone needs to figure out who the Insider is. They can't... the Insider wins.

Urnal: Urnal good at insider.

Carv: I don't think you asked a single question last game.

Urnal: That good tactic. Group had talker. Me let him do work for me.

Carv: That's... quite brilliant.

Urnal: Me knew bony man was friend. [Sounds of a bony ribcage being crushed in an ogre hug]

Carv: [gasp] Can't. Breath.

Urnal: Bony man has no lungs. What problem?

Carv: Huh. Never thought about it that way. Moving on. What do you think about this one?

Urnal: Urnal sorry it took so long to play this. Me like it quite a bit as a filler or big group game. But...

Carv: Yes, I believe I know where this "but" is going.

Urnal: You said... never mind. Urnal hates price point with Oink. MSPP

Carv: MS-R-P

[Sounds of a skeleton face being punched]

Urnal: Normal price around $20 for puny box and game that can be played with a few scraps of paper.

Carv: Exactly where I thought you'd go with this, and while I do agree it's a bit pricey, the... bits and bobs... as you like to call them, are quite nice. Thick cardboard. Decent cards. Sand timer. Plus, I do like the idea that I'm supporting the hobby and the creation of a game I've already enjoyed for what I'd consider $20 worth of my time. If you have the gold to spare, why not show your support?

Urnal: Me not argue with that. Plus, me a completionist who wants all the Oinks.

Carv: A dangerous road you travel... where are you going?

Urnal: Get club to smash bone man.

Carv: Let me finish! A dangerous road... but I like your style. You're still walking away... I fully agree to buying blindly because the boxes are pretty. Still getting that club. I like your hair.

Urnal: Really?

Carv: Yes. The way you have hair everywhere except the top of your head. Exquisite. I'm obviously quite jealous, what with my lack of hair... or skin... or organs of any kind.

Urnal: Ok. Me forgive bone man for now. C&U seal of approval?

Carv: Consider it stamped!

Urnal: BOARDGAMES!!!!!!!!

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